5 Tips To Prevent Back Pain From Sitting

Long sitting still appears to be an important risk factor when it comes to developing back pain. A recent British study of 18 to 34-year-olds shows that half of them regularly suffer from back pain, a quarter of them can not work as a result. The combination of sitting still for too long and a lack of sport leads to weak back muscles, so our spineless stable. Millions of people between the ages of 18 and 34 seem to be destined to suffer from back pain for the next 60 years of their lives, according to this study.

Small adjustments in our posture or movement have proven effective in reducing or preventing back pain complaints.

  1. Provide good support for the lower back. Adjust the backrest so that the bulging of the backrest falls into the hollow of your back. Sit well in the back of your chair. This way you ensure that you actually use the backrest
  2. Pull your lower back regularly while sitting, but certainly before you get up. Many complaints arise because the lower back gets too little change and is subjected to too long a bent position.
  3. Move when possible. Variation is the motto. For example, take a moment to walk during a telephone conversation. Variation in posture and movement stimulates blood flow, which gives muscles the chance to recover.
  4. Provide strong back muscles and abdominal muscles. A sitting position where you sit upright without using a back support strengthens the stomach and back muscles.
  5. Prevent simultaneous turning and bending of the back. If you sit and pick something up next to or behind you, get up first, turn around and bend your knees. A bent and turned back is vulnerable to injuries.
Try these tips against back pain. We are curious about your experience and suggestions!