The Best Remedies For Back Pain At Home

Back Pain can hamper your daily life, or even block it. The first reaction is resting and painkillers, but that is not entirely true: you actually have to move, to prevent a complete stiffening. Those who are still in pain after three days should go to the doctor. Anyone with a problem with the spine, or pains in the legs, should immediately call the doctor. To counter back pain (better), physiotherapists recommend these back pain home remedies:

1) Electrical shock
A TENS device sends electrical signals to the lower back via patches, which blocks the pain signals of the body. Because the muscles contract, the blood circulation and thus the healing is stimulated. There are expensive on the market, but cheap can also do their work, depending on the complaints.

2) Mattress
A good mattress is crucial not only for your back but also for your general night's rest, your neck and your shoulders. Not too soft (too little support) and not too hard (too much pressure), you better invest some money in a mattress. A good one goes ten years (divided by ten the price is right!), And is better reasonably thick, so she does not go too fast. To reduce back problems, choose a mattress that takes the shape of your back: this way your back will receive perfect support during sleep. Visit a sleeping shop to determine your sleeping type so that you can find a mattress that best suits your needs.

3) Pillow
When sitting down, many people quickly drop by. This causes a lot of pressure on the lower dorsal vertebrae and weakens the muscles. Stronger abdominal and back muscles are one possibility, another is an (inflatable) 'roller cushion' that you can stick between the seat back and the back, so that you remain straight, with the spine curved inwards.

4) Hot & cold
Cold numb the nerves, take away the pain and reduce infection. Heat stimulates blood circulation, which promotes healing.
Wrap an ice pack in a thin cloth and hold for up to five minutes against the back. The heat pack, also wrapped in a cloth, can be held for 20 minutes against the painful area.

5) Stretch
A large rubber seat ball is a perfect gym instrument for those who have back problems. Lie on your stomach on the ball and lean forward. Hands and feet remain on the ground. Raise an arm or leg for 20 seconds and then switch off. This trains the abdominal muscles and the back muscles.
For a good stretch, you lie on the back of the ball, feet are on the ground. Stretch your arms back while your back follows the curve of the ball.

6) Sitting posture
Just like a good sleeping position, a good sitting posture is crucial. Needed for this: an ergonomic chair, even though it does not have to cost thousands of euros. Your hips must be parallel to your knees, but slightly higher. Extra support for the back can also be done with a pillow. Your monitor must be at eye level, this is essential to stay upright. Stand straight every thirty minutes, especially for those who spend a day on a computer, this is important.

7) Balancing
A balanced trainer (aka a wobbling cushion) strengthens both the legs and improves the balance and posture. Exercises on this hemisphere trains both legs and the muscles that strengthen the spine. The reverse is also useful: as a balance board, you can also do exercises.