Low Back Pain During Your Pregnancy

Low back pain is common among women during pregnancy. The weight of the abdomen and the changing of the posture often causes an overload of the back muscles.

What is low back pain?

Low back pain is a nagging or severe pain in the lower back. Because your uterus is attached to your back with straps and your belly is pulled forward you get a hollow back. The force that your uterus exerts on your back can cause the pain in your lower back and in your groin. In general, the symptoms disappear some time after the pregnancy.

When do you suffer from low back pain during your pregnancy?

When your stomach becomes heavier in the second and third trimester and you lean back a bit to keep yourself in balance, the chance of back pain increases. Back problems can also be a symptom of a bladder infection. If you have to urinate more often and you have a burning sensation, you can have this checked by the GP.

What can you do with low back pain?
  • Keep moving! If you are fit and have strong muscles (the chance of) low back pain. For example, go swimming regularly or practice pregnancy yoga.
  • Do not stand too long. Divide when you are standing your weight on both feet. Tighten your buttocks and press them slightly forward. Pull your shoulders back and down and stand up straight.
  • Bag your knees and do not bend your back when you bend or lift
  • Put your legs up as often as possible.
  • Make sure you have a good (rotating) chair and support your lower back if necessary. Try to change the seating position regularly
  • Do exercises to strengthen your muscles and learn to relax.

If you suffer from low back pain during pregnancy, you can ask your doctor or your physiotherapist for help.