Your joints become slack and you become unbalanced due to back problems. You can also suffer from your back because your uterus becomes heavier. And those increasingly limp abdominal muscles also keep your body upright. No wonder that as a pregnant woman you will suffer from your back.
Pelvic instability or 'normal' back pain?
You usually suffer from back problems after a longer period of sitting, standing or walking. But it can also be done in bed in the morning or even at night. Often the pain radiates from your low back to your buttocks, legs and pubic bone. Googling a bit and you soon come to pelvic instability. 'Normal' back pain, however, is much more common and is fortunately also a lot better to treat and prevent.
When to the doctor?
If you have persistent back problems, be sure to visit your doctor. He/she can easily determine whether the complaints come from your back or pelvis. Go to the doctor immediately if you have acute, severe pain or suffer from a 'numbness' feeling or tingling in your legs. You could then have pelvic instability. Even if you have low back pain pregnancy and you radiate, you go to see the doctor. This may indicate a bladder infection or kidney problems. When you suddenly experience severe back pain in your third trimester, you call the midwife. Especially when you have not had problems before. This may indicate early contractions.
7 tips to prevent back pain during pregnancy:
- Stand neatly upright. You give your body extra support by pulling your belly button slightly and tightening your glutes. Do not try to stand for too long. Do you have a standing profession? Then take at least halfway through the day a longer break in which you sit down with your feet.
- If you have a sedentary profession, it is important that you are properly upright. Sit as much as possible on the edge of your chair, possibly with a cushion on your back. A footstool helps to keep your legs at an angle of 90 degrees. Get up regularly, preferably every 30 minutes, and walk around for a while.
- Wear good shoes and avoid shoes with a high heel. A small heel, up to three centimeters, is just allowed for those of us who used to walk on pumps.
- Always lift from your knees. Or rather, let someone else do that! Do not overstep while you try to get something out of the upper kitchen cupboard.
- Spread your messages over two bags, or dare - however foolish - a shopping trolley.
- Carefully get out of bed. The first roll on your side, bend your knees and push your upper body with your arms up. Just roll your legs over the edge, and then stand up.
- Listen to your body. If you suffer from your back by doing certain activities, do not do it.