The Sitting Posture And Back Pain At The Office

Low and high back complaints are in many cases caused or maintained by overload during prolonged sitting. Nowadays we know that sitting is always stressful, even if you have a very good chair that is well adjusted and that you are well on, this remains very stressful for the back, within the long-term a stiff and/or painful back. That is why people in the working conditions would prefer not to speak of a "Good" but rather of a "Favorable" adjustment of the chair and a favorable sitting posture. With this, it tries to make clear that an (expensive) chair with the most extensive settings, does not automatically mean that you can sit well without getting bothered by your back. There is more to it than that.

What should you pay attention to reduce the risk of back pain while sitting in the office?
Of course, it does matter if you have a chair with many settings. It is important that you know how to set the chair. If you have properly set up your chair (and of course the other parts of the workplace), it is also important that you sit well in that chair.

NB: sometimes it is, unfortunately, the case that a chair with many adjustment options is not entirely suitable for you. If this leads to back problems, it may be an idea to purchase a chair that is specifically suited for you. For this, you can best go to a specialist store for office chairs.

Sitting comfortably on a chair in the office means that you sit with your butt all the way back in the chair, the back upright and leans well against the backrest and the chair. Make sure you set the chair well at the desk. Keep the feet as straight as possible in front of you on the ground.

It is also important that you vary a lot of sitting posture and do not sit for too long. To alternate more while sitting, you can use the so-called 'free-flow stand' that most office chairs have. When you turn on the free-flow lever, the chair will come loose and can move from front to back. With a knob on the side or bottom of the chair, you can then set the spring to your weight. An additional tip is to use the free-flow mode during consultation with colleagues or during telephone calls. When you work with your computer, the backrest is fixed in the position of approximately 90 degrees, as stated in the manual.

Finally, it is very important that you do not sit for too long. The advice here is no longer than 30 minutes. Then take a short break by getting up for a while and getting a drink.

Do you know someone in your area (or do you have complaints yourself) of neck/shoulder or back complaints then draw them to our practice?