Back Pain And Back Massage

Back pain? This is a very common pain complaint, especially in busy people today with a lot of stress and relatively little movement. Back pain massage by a physiotherapist, for example, can lead to a reduction of back pain. An alternative treatment such as acupressure or shiatsu can also help. Relaxing back massage can temporarily reduce pain and be pleasant. Back pain, what do you do about it?

Back pain may require your attention throughout the day. You can get up in the morning with a nagging feeling of pain or be reminded of your back pain in the slightest or slightest movement. Sitting or standing can be annoying, but sometimes you do not know how to lie down.

Obviously, the best method for resolving pain such as back pain is the cause. This can mean, for example, reducing stress, putting vertebrae in the right position or correcting posture and movement.

Shoulder massage, neck massage, and low back massage
Back pain is often at the top of the shoulders and at the neck or at the bottom of the back, the so-called low back pain. The shoulders and neck are places where psychic tension settles, but often also in the low back. In the case of low back pain, people tend to think of shifted vertebrae or nerves that are trapped. Fortunately, this is not always the case and the pain is caused by small muscle knots.

Muscle buttons and back pain
Muscle nodes often give back pain. Painful spots in the back or elsewhere in our body often feel like a 'knot'. This is a muscle hardening, a place where waste materials have accumulated. This muscle hardening reduces a good flow and must, therefore, be loosened to remove the back pain. The remediation of these pavements can often be done with massage.

Back massage illuminated
Back massage can greatly ease. By exerting tension or pressure on the muscles, these muscles are massaged loose, the circulation is stimulated and the collected waste is removed. The back massage can sometimes be painful, but will eventually have a relaxing effect and restore the flow. Pressure point massage can help, but also effleurage massage technique with its ironing movements. Chair massage, possibly at work, can quickly bring relief.

Cause of back pain: stress, posture, movement pattern?
Back pain is often a result of psychological tension, (work) stress or a bad working posture behind, for example, the computer. Pain is a signal from your body that there is too much tension. So time for a massage, de-stressing or sitting or standing in a different posture. In any case, it is important to find the cause of (recurrent) back pain. Massage helps in the meantime.