Back Pain Causes, Investigate, And Advice

It is not clear exactly how lower back pain occurs. Presumably, the muscles, tires, and bones of the lower back temporarily do not work well together.

These factors are more likely to back pain causes:
  • overweight
  • much stress
  • heavy physical work
  • long drive
  • lift a lot
  • turning and bending the back a lot
Is an X-ray, CT or MRI scan necessary for pain in the lower back?

An X-ray or scan (CT, MRI) is not useful and also not recommended for pain in the lower back. Why not?
  • An X-ray or scan does not provide useful information. In many people, there is something abnormal to see a photo or scan of the back, even in people who never have pain in the back. Deviations on a photo or scan almost never have anything to do with the pain in the lower back.
  • The approach to pain in the lower back does not depend on whether or not something can be seen on a photo/scan. The approach is always: keep moving.
  • A photo or scan does not affect how quickly your complaints are about.
  • Sometimes people get unnecessary treatments due to a photo or scan.
  • An X-ray or scan also has the disadvantage that the radiation can be harmful to the genitals.
Advice for exercising with back pain

Watch your posture and movements
  • Can you not find a good posture due to the pain at night? Then try to lie on your back with a few cushions under your knees or on your side with half-legged legs.
  • To get out of bed, first, lie on your side. Then put your legs over the edge of the bed and press yourself with both arms upwards. To lie down, make the same movements in the opposite direction.
  • Take a straight seat to sit, preferably with armrests, so that you can get up more easily. Sit down with a straight back and a torn stomach. When you get up, put your hands on the railings and slide to the tip of your chair. Put one foot just under the seat and the other foot slightly forward. Try to get up with stretched back.
  • Use a swivel chair when you are sitting at a desk so that you can turn around with the chair and all if you want to take something behind you or when you want to get up.
  • If you have to lift something, bend your knees and lift with a straight back. Keep the object that you lift close to your body (do not lift it with arms outstretched).
  • Do not lift too much at the same time. Do not carry heavy things over long distances, but make intermediate stops.
  • Avoid turning and bending the back at the same time.
  1. If you sit and pick something up next to or behind you, get up first, turn around and bend your knees.
  2. If you get out of the car, make sure that your body and legs turn a quarter of a turn at the same time. Put your feet on the ground and look for support with your hands before you stand.
  • Preferably wear flat shoes.
Practice and exercise

Exercises can not accelerate the recovery of low back pain. Yet some people find it pleasant to do some stretching exercises. As a reaction to the pain, you also add extra strength to certain muscles. Stretching exercises can then help these muscles relax again.

Stretching exercises
  • Raising knees
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Pull a knee slowly to your chest with your hands. Keep this post full for thirty seconds. Then lower the leg slowly. Then take the other knee and repeat the exercise.
  • Tilting the pelvis
Make your back as hollow as possible by pushing your buttocks backward and your stomach forward. Then gradually pull your lower back straight back through the lower abdomen and squeeze the buttocks together. You can perform this exercise lying down, sitting, standing or on your hands and knees. You can combine this exercise with breathing: inhaling with a hollow back, and exhaling with a straight back.
  • Turning
The lower back Lie down on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. From this position, move both knees slowly to the left and then to the right. Keep both shoulders on the ground. Repeat the exercise.

Strengthen muscles
  • Abdominal muscles
Lie on your back, with bent knees and your feet flat on the floor. Touch your knees with your fingers and hold this posture as long as possible. Then relax for a minute and repeat the exercise.
  • Back muscles
Lie on your stomach with stretched arms and legs. Then lift your arms and legs and keep it as full as possible. Then relax for a minute and repeat the exercise.

Much exercise and improve the general condition

Make sure you are moving a lot. Sports such as swimming, cycling, and jogging can help make your body stronger and smoother and improve your stamina.
Swimming and walking are also recommended for severe pain.

Prevent cooling

Some people with back problems indicate that it is nice to keep the lower back warm. People with back problems also report that cooling the back quickly after sport or after heavy work can make the back stiffer or more painful. The cooling may be due to wet sports or work clothing that sticks to the back. Cooling can be prevented by putting on dry clothes quickly after sport or heavy work.