Usually, after a bit of rest and a few painkillers, the pain quickly sinks back, but the pain can also continue for a long time and at a given moment require you to look for a concrete tactic to do something about it.
Although it might not seem very beneficial at first glance, performing yoga postures can offer many benefits to improve and ease back pain.
By stimulating the blood circulation and relaxing the muscles, these exercises can calm the body part and quickly alleviate the condition.
In this article, we share the four best yoga postures to alleviate back pain (back pain yoga poses). Do not hesitate to try them out, whether it's at work or at home. Get started!
1. Forward Bend
With this posture, tense muscles are stretched along the spine and the central nervous system is stimulated.
How do you implement this attitude?
- Stand on a yoga mat and put your feet apart on the hip.
- Bend your knees so that your upper body leans over your legs, keep bending over until your belly comes against your thighs.
- Make a fist with both hands and place it in the hollow of the opposite elbow.
- Relax your back, neck, and head and squeeze your fists tightly.
- Perform this attitude ten to twenty times. Breathe deeply into and out while doing this exercise.
This attitude is somewhat more complicated and requires some practice to perform it correctly. The posture is ideal for lower back pain, but can also relieve tension in the upper body.
How do you implement this attitude?
- Stand in front of a wall with your face facing the wall and your arms stretched forward. Bend your upper body forward so that you can lean against the wall with your hands.
- Press your fingers against the wall, hold your belly button and try to stretch your tailbone down.
- Pull your ribcage away from your pelvis so that the lumbar region is bent naturally and your abdominal muscles are tense.
- Keep your spine straight and start walking backward with your legs until you are in the form of an 'L'.
- Repeat this exercise for ten to twenty breaths and then return to the starting position.
The downward dog or 'Adho Mukha Svanasana' is an ideal posture in which the whole body is stretched. It calms the nerves in the spine and promotes good blood circulation throughout the body. In addition, this posture also ensures that the muscles and joints in the arms, legs, neck, and back become stronger.
How do you implement this attitude?
- Sit on your hands and knees with your feet on hip-width apart.
- Keep your hands on the ground and stand on your toes, with your back in the air. This is the downward dog.
- It is important to ensure that you do not bend your back too much. This will put a lot of tension on your muscles.
- Pull up your ribs to keep your shoulders and spine sturdier.
- Push your tailbone towards your heels and press with the middle and outer part of your feet.
The 'Balasana', also called child posture, is a relaxed posture that actively stretches the spine and makes it long. This posture serves as a resting posture between other exercises in or at the end of all stretching exercises. The child's posture is recommended to relieve stress-related stress.
How do you implement this attitude?
- Sit on your calves and then bend your upper body forward so that your chest touches your thighs. Hold this posture for a few minutes.
- Try to keep your knees apart and your toes together. Then bring your knees together to stretch the spine even further.
- If you do not manage to rest on the floor with your head, place a yoga block under your forehead so that you can fully relax.
- You can stretch your arms straight ahead or just past your body.
- Breathe deeply and imagine every time you exhale that all tension leaves your body.