Back Pain Middle?! What To Do?!

Back pain middle can be annoying and annoying during the day. Just like low back pain, there are many factors that you can influence yourself to relieve and correct the back pain in your middle back. Text and video explanation!

Back pain middle symptoms are common, just like low back pain. In spite of the fact that different causes can be of influence, the middle back is mainly the posture and shape of the middle back, which can significantly increase the load.

Back pain middle and the shape of the back
If you look at the spine from the side, you can see that "normal" is speaking to form multiple curves in the back. The natural shape of the back looks like an S shape where the posture of the head is straight above the pelvis.

The S shape is built up from 4 natural curves. The curvatures of the spinal column proceed successively from bottom to top via;
  • Convex curvature backward from the pelvis and sacrum
  • Hollow curvature forward from the low back
  • Convex curve backward from the middle back
  • Hollow curvature forward from the neck
Normal shape and back pain middle
When you normally stand upright, the above curvatures automatically form in your back. You can easily check if you are talking about standing against a wall or door.

Stand well with your heels, buttocks, middle back and head against the wall. You will feel that there will be room at your lower back and neck. Do you have a lot of trouble to keep looking straight forward, because your head goes up or pulls your lower back very hollow then you already have more trouble to stand upright?

Curve back and back pain middle back
In the example described above, it may be that due to a reinforced curvature in the middle back you form a too hollow lower back or your neck extends further. The reinforced curvature, which is also called a "Thoracic Kyphosis", can cause back pain in your middle back.

In addition, it is because your spine is out of balance causing low back pain and/or neck pain. The surrounding muscles of the spine will need more strength and tension to keep your body in balance. Eventually, this can lead to a nagging and annoying pain in the middle back, low back and neck.

What to do about back pain middle ?!
The first thing to do is to check and adjust your posture. The above example of standing near the wall is a good check whether your posture is in balance. For sitting there are a number of tips and points of interest that ensure a good sitting posture.

Secondly, it is necessary that you keep your back moving . Your body is made to move and it is essential for the suppleness that you do this too. After every 15 to 20 minutes of standing or sitting, it is essential to move your back. It does not really matter how, if you just move, but given the posture of the back stretching of your back is preferable.

Thirdly, as a movement in between or separately, you could do some exercises with back pain in your middle back. The emphasis should be mainly on stretching your middle back and preventing it from stretching in the lower back and neck.

Preventing your lower back from stretching is done by tightening your abdominal muscles and holding your lower back flat. Your neck keeps you under control by tightening your neck muscles by pulling your chin to your chest and keeping your neck flat.