To restore balance, you tend to walk with a hollow back. However, you put too much pressure on your back muscles, because your abdominal muscles can now compensate the extra load on your bulging stomach much less. Result: a lot of back pain.
Do you suffer from back pain?
There are actually 2 types of back pain. In the first place there is the pain that is similar to gout and unfortunately, it is difficult to relieve: a pain that radiates from the hip to the leg. The second type of back pain can be compared with loin pain and comes from the fact that your spine is heavily tested . Especially if you are tired or have been standing upright for a long time, this pain applies.
The pain around the loins in the lower back is also caused by the pregnancy hormone relaxin, which causes your pelvic bones to become looser. Especially towards the end of your pregnancy, this is increasingly the case. After all, it is necessary for your pelvis to be able to adapt to the head of your baby during delivery.
Tip to reduce your load:
Most women suffer from back pain during pregnancy. You can still live sparingly and avoid the pain or at least ease it. Here are some tips:
- by regularly tilting your pelvis, you tighten your abs. This prevents you from walking with a hollow back;
- make sure you never stay in the same position for a long time;
- shoes with high heels keep you better in the closet until after delivery;
- you sleep best on your back with a pillow under your knees or on your side. In any case, avoid sleeping on your stomach, which will not benefit your spine at all. If necessary, place a shelf under your mattress;
- also regularly perform the exercises of the prenatal gymnastic lessons;
- prefer a 'good chair' with support in the loins;
- paracetamol or warm compresses can temporarily bring salvation;
- an enlightening swim, finally, is not to be scorned.
How do you get a kidney pelvic infection?
A renal pelvic inflammation can then be the result of a bladder infection that was not treated or treated badly. It can also be the cause of a premature birth. You should therefore not walk with a bladder infection. During pregnancy, this infection can be safely treated with certain antibiotics. Talk to your doctor about that.
The hormone progesterone is responsible for, among other things, weakening the muscle tissue at the level of the urinary tract. The growing uterus also exerts pressure on the drainage pathways of the kidneys. For example, some urine may remain in your bladder after urinating. And there is the danger. Urine in your bladder is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. Especially during pregnancy because then you are more susceptible to infections.
How can you know if you have a bladder infection? Peeing is often accompanied by a burning sensation. Usually, you have a constant and intense urge to urinate.
Tips to prevent bladder inflammation
- A bladder infection can be prevented by not stopping your urine too long. Clear your bladder as soon as you feel the urge. Even if this means that you have to get out of bed 3 or 4 times a night.
- This could give you the tendency to start drinking less. Drinking enough water is effective against infections.
- You also do well to empty your bladder immediately after having sex.
- Personal hygiene is also essential. Wash the area around the anus with water only. After bowel movements, it is better to wipe the anus from front to back. This way you avoid bacteria getting into the ureters.