Back Pain From Kidneys, Is This Possible?

Can you experience back pain from kidneys and how do you recognize this? Back pain does not always come from the musculoskeletal system because your organs can also cause back pain. However, back pain from kidneys can be easily distinguished from normal low back pain.

To cover your back pain or your kidneys can be determined on the basis of questions for the detection of general physical complaints. In a screening of back pain is always determined whether you have the back pain through the musculoskeletal system or by for example your kidneys.

How do your kidneys work ?!
The kidneys are also called the purification system of the body. In the kidneys, the blood is filtered, removing waste and excess moisture. The residues that are filtered in the kidneys take place after an even fine filtering.

Waste and the rest of the fluid then flows as urine to the renal pelvis, urethra to the bladder. In an hour about 60 liters of blood flow through your kidneys. In total, this means that your blood is filtered and purified more than 200 times every day in your kidneys.

The main functions of your kidneys are;
  • Remove waste from the blood
  • Control the moisture and salt balance
  • Creating hormones
  • Part of the bone metabolism
Disturbed kidney function
The proper functioning of your kidneys is therefore essential to be able to properly filter the blood and to keep the body functioning properly. When the kidneys do not function properly, there is also talk of kidney damage, kidney failure or renal insufficiency.

Because the kidneys have a large reserve capacity, most people do not notice if renal function deteriorates. Only when the kidneys are only working for 30% are clear symptoms starting to develop.

Complaints to your kidneys
There are a lot of different complaints that can occur through your kidneys. Most people with kidney complaints experience the symptoms below. The complaints below can also be caused by other organs.
  • Dark urine
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Bad breath
  • Fatigue
  • Pale skin
  • Dry and flaky skin
  • Itching
  • Hold on to moisture or dehydration
  • Susceptibility to infections
  • The impotence of complaints or menstrual disorders
  • Muscle cramps, reducing muscle strength
The most important factor in the relationship between your kidneys and back pain is that it is not motion-dependent. This means that your back pain will not decrease or worsen due to movement, but will always be present. Of course, depending on the way you deal with your kidneys.

How do you improve the kidneys and back pain?
The most important thing for good kidney function is perhaps drinking plenty of water! Now that you know that your kidneys work as a filtering system, you may want to suggest that moisture is better filtered if it is thin. It then applies not only to the moisture in the sense of water but also to your blood.

High blood pressure can also give you more stress on your kidneys. But drinking enough water is the first and easiest thing you can do. You can recognize the color of your urine or that you have drunk enough water!

A light color of your urine is good and a dark color indicates that there are too many waste products in your kidneys and too little moisture.

Screening your kidney back pain
If you are still unsure whether your kidneys are causing back pain, you could perform the screening yourself with low back pain. Gives you more reason that your back pain is not caused by a movement problem then it is advisable to consult a doctor.