Oops! Back Pain When Waking Up! 4 Tips

Back pain when waking up causes chronic back complaints, especially in the lower back and sometimes with radiance to the buttocks or thighs. You experience it while sitting, strolling and in the morning when you get up. Recognizable? You are not the only one. It is a well-known phenomenon and can have various causes. These tips can help you prevent and treat these complaints.

Load on the lower back
During the movement of the body, your lower back muscles are moving and help you to find a good body posture. A wrong sitting posture, for example at work, while driving or at home on the bench, makes you unwind your back muscles for a long time. This leads to problems and is the biggest cause of low non-specific back complaints.

It is important that you are anatomically correct during the day, especially if you are doing sedentary work. In addition, try to avoid large contrasts in your daily life. A good example of this is sports in combination with work. 5 days of sitting work and only doing extreme sports activities for 1 hour a week is too great a contrast. The same applies to heavy lifting or other extreme loads for your back.

Strengthen your back with these exercises
Strengthening your back and abdominal muscles ensure a better load-bearing capacity of your back, so you are less likely to have back problems. It seems like a big task but the exercises are simple and do not take much time. Your own specialist can tell you more about this, or take a look here, where a number of exercises are explained.

Overweight is an increased risk of back problems. Too much weight causes too much load on the lower back. In the long run, this will cause problems. Lose weight often causes you to experience fewer back complaints. If you exercise a lot, exercise regularly and watch out for your diet, you will kill several birds with one stone! Because regular exercise also reduces the chance of (existing) back problems.

Your mattress
To use a worn mattress for too long. It is something that unfortunately occurs frequently and causes back problems. As your mattress gets older, it will eventually get pit formation. As a result, you overstretch your back and you are in a wrong sleeping position. It is therefore important that your mattress is replaced in time. A normal mattress will last about 8 to 10 years.