Back Pain In Women

Back pain is annoying. Even more annoying is that it is an ailment that regularly recurs and does not disappear quickly. Many women (and men) with back pain do not know where the pain comes from. These are five possible sources of back pain in women.

1. Menstrual pain
Do you suffer from pain in your lower back? Check whether you should almost have a period. Many women have a lot of back pain just before or during their menstruation. The cause is not yet fully known, but probably the pain has to do with prostaglandins. These hormone-like substances are released during the monthly periods. The more prostaglandins your body produces, the more you suffer from menstrual pain. The released hormones relax the support bands around your hips and vertebrae: this will lower your lower back. In addition, the pain in your stomach radiates to your back. Doubly annoying.

Tip: A message of the lower back, a warm jug and/or a hot shower or bath can relax the muscles around your pelvis and lower back and so ease the pain.

2. Pregnancy
You have to carry a lot of extra weight during a pregnancy. Your stomach becomes bigger and heavier and the weight of your belly pushes the muscles of your lower back. Many pregnant women, therefore, assume a wrong attitude or do more than their bodies can handle at that moment.

Your body prepares for the birth of a child. The hormone level changes and loosens the connections between your joints. Normally there is almost no movement in the joints between your tailbone and your hip bones. If you are pregnant, these ligaments are softer and nerves can easily get trapped.

Tip: Watch your posture! Many pregnant women walk with a hollow back and with their belly forward. This way you overload your back. Pull an imaginary line from your crown to your heels and tighten your buttocks and abdominal muscles. In this way, your pelvis automatically tilts backward and gives your back a little more rest. Move a lot: strong muscles reduce the chance of low back pain.

3. High heels
The higher the heel, the more slanted the instep and the soles are. This does not only apply to killer stilettos: a 2.5-centimeter heel already causes an unnatural curvature in your lower back. Your calf muscles shorten and suddenly there is a lot more pressure on your kneecaps. That change of muscle tension in your legs works upwards, towards your back. The muscles in your lower back must work hard to keep the body upright and in balance.

Tip: Change shoes regularly. Choose a good, sturdy sole and a shoe with a good footbed: if you always walk on thin, flat soles, that is also disastrous for your back. If you want to wear heels anyway, it is wise to exchange them on location with your flat (sports) shoes.

4. Breasts
Big breasts sometimes bring complaints with them. A bosom of a large size does not weigh anything and you carry this weight day in, day out with you. A common complaint is not for nothing a nasty, chronic back pain. Investing in a good bra can help, but it is possible that this does not offer enough support at a given time. The back and neck problems then persist.

Tip: Bh's with three brackets offer the best support. Go for a broadband and get good advice. If this really does not offer any relief, you may want to consider doing a breast reduction.

5. A wrong (sports) bra
A perfectly fitting bra gives your breasts the right support. Due to a good fit and the size that fits your body shape, you ensure that everything stays in place. A well-fitting bra should not give you back or neck pain.

Unfortunately, the majority of the female population is walking around with a wrong bra. To compensate for the incorrect cup size, the bra straps are stretched too tightly or too loosely. A high tension is created on the back, causing you to walk crooked and bent. You automatically load many other muscles in the wrong way. The inconveniences of a wrong bra can lead to an unnatural posture, which can lead to neck complaints, back pain or muscle tension headaches.

Tip: Have a good look while buying a new bra. Your breasts change in size and shape several times over the years. It may just be that you need a larger or smaller cup size, or that a different fit is much better.