Back pain
Back problems with a hernia are usually not caused directly by this disc disease, but by the cramped muscles that result from it. Hernia back pain can manifest itself in different places: in the neck, lower back, loins, and sacrum. The nature of the complaint is related to the type of a hernia. We find that back pain in a hernia is not so common, but if it is where the pain can be very severe.
Neck pain
Multiple complaints can occur with a neck hernia. In most cases, the patient with a hernia near the neck experiences mainly radiation pain to the arm. But in some cases, the patient may also experience headaches, neck pain, and pain in the shoulder zone.
Pain in the lower back
Hernia patients can experience lower back pain. Because of this they often have trouble finding a comfortable sitting position and they have pain complaints when performing physical activities.
Pain in the loins, pelvis, and hips
Pain in the loins and pelvis and hip complaints are the most typical complaints with a hernia.
Radiation pain
A disc herniation is not always synonymous with pain in the back or neck. Most patients with hernias experience more radiation pain to the limbs than stabbing back or neck pain. Where the radiant pain manifests itself depends mainly on the location of a hernia.
We provide an overview of common radiation pains:
- A back hernia or a lumbar hernia: Radiation pain at the level of the buttocks and to the lower limbs.
- Nekhernia: Radiation pain to the poor. The patient feels the skin of the arm stimulate, loses arm strength or feels his arm or hand sleep.
- A breast hernia: Radiation pain to the trunk and at the level of the ribs.
The most characteristic result of sciatica is a radiating pain at the back of the - usually one - leg that runs from the buttock to the foot. This is called the lumbosacral radicular syndrome. The pain can be so severe that walking becomes impossible. Usually, sciatica is associated with low back pain.
Other complaints:
- Nonsensible spots or a changed skin structure around the affected nerve area;
- A burning pain;
- Reduced strength in arms or legs;
- A paralyzing pain or paralysis symptoms;
- The failure of certain muscle groups.