Premenstrual Syndrome
Being a period is often not fun and is often accompanied by complaints. For example, just before and on the first day of the period, you can be somewhat obese and tired and suffer from abdominal pain or headaches. That is a very normal phenomenon that many women will recognize. However, there are also women who have many physical and psychological complaints, which can seriously affect their lives. In that case, there may be a premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
At PMS the complaints occur in the second half of the menstrual cycle and they disappear again at the start of menstruation. During the first days of menstruation, however, you may also suffer from it. After at least a week without complaints, they are back on the head again. It may be clear that this can seriously upset your normal lifestyle.
Often the complaints occur after the thirtieth year and after you have put children on the world. It is a combination of physical and psychological complaints. Common physical complaints are:
- a headache;
- painful and dense breasts
- stomach ache;
- swollen belly (holding too much moisture) and bloating; and
- a backache.
- mood swings;
- gloom;
- forgetfulness and absent-mindedness;
- fears; and
- insomnia.
An early pregnancy can be recognized by a number of signs. For example, cramps or bloating can be a pregnancy symptom. You can also suddenly suffer from back pain because your body is preparing for the extra weight you will have to bear in the coming months. The ligaments in your back are looser.
Stomach ulcer
A stomach ulcer is a wound in the internal lining of the stomach, the gastric mucosa. This wound makes the stomach wall vulnerable to the acidic, aggressive and corrosive stomach acid. A stomach ulcer often causes the following complaints:
- a burning, poignant feeling in the stomach area (the gastric well) or behind the sternum;
- radiation to the back and sometimes even pain between the shoulder blades or radiant pain to the neck;
- nausea;
- a bloated feeling in the abdomen.
Irritable bowel syndrome (PDS)
A combination of factors probably plays a role in the development of an irritable bowel. Disturbed intestinal contractions and/or an irritable wall of the intestine causing cramping are often mentioned as possible triggers, often in combination with certain foods. An irritable bowel often causes symptoms such as prolonged abdominal pain with bloating in the abdomen or flatulence or a varying relief pattern (alternating constipation and loose stools or diarrhea ). Treatment can consist of a combination of lifestyle and dietary advice, medication and psychological treatment.
The symptoms of a bladder infection may suddenly appear or gradually develop. Symptoms can include:
- pain and/or a burning sensation while urinating;
- pain in the lower abdomen and/or lower back ;
- need to urinate more often;
- urge to urinate;
- always small amounts of urine;
- turbid urine; and
- blood in the urine.