Pain during the night can be a negative cycle - without good sleep, the healing process is greatly delayed and sometimes even stopped. Moreover, our coping skills when sleep is limited or absent is also limited and the effect that the pain has on our body can be greatly strengthened which in turn is detrimental to our recovery.
So it is very important to focus on how you can alleviate the pain that you experience at night. Very often the pain that someone experiences at night can cause anxiety and serious worries. It is true that the pain in severe pathological conditions at night is often worse because tooth pain in children is often worse at night and at night! This is usually not an unhappy child that gives you a sleepless night, but a simple expression of the inflammation.
In principle, our blood circulation and metabolism slow down in time when your body is resting and the inflammatory pain increases!
This underlines the importance of the diagnosis in controlling your back pain. If you allow sleep problems in the course of time, you may ignore a negative situation or unnecessarily prolong your rehabilitation time.
Symptoms of back pain while sleeping
Panic and despair are common consequences of the symptoms of back and neck pain while sleeping!
The most common symptoms associated with back problems at night are back pain in the lower back, often with pain that is worse on one side than on the other. Another common symptom is a stinging sensation in one or both legs and intermittent numbness in the outer part of the lower leg. Stinging pain in both hands is also quite common.
Most people know that their symptoms get worse when they are in a certain position or position. For example, people with lower back pain often say that the pain gets worse when they lie on their back or on their right side and that relieves the pain when they lie down on their left side.
The reason for this is due to the mechanical nature of the injury. If you are in a position that compresses the affected part, it will hurt you when you are in a position that takes the pressure away from the affected part, you will not experience pain! But if no position gives relief, it will ultimately be difficult to deal with this pain.
If changing positions during the night does not give any relief, it is advisable to consult a doctor because it must then be ruled out that you have no other disorders.
Another situation that requires immediate attention is when your symptoms disappear during the day and appear at night. Although this does not have to be bad, it can be a sign that serious disorders and pathologies are developing. I do not want to scare you, but in case of doubt, you always have to call and take it for the uncertainty.
Treatment of back pain while sleeping: 4 tips
A simple advice in this situation is, if you experience pain, to lie in a different position. This is actually my most frequently given advice. Finding an easy position should be your primary goal.
Most of the mechanical back complaints are based on direction. This means in simple terms that if the injury occurs during bending of the back, to prevent pain in the early stage of healing it is necessary to avoid bending the back forward. If the pain occurs while turning, you should avoid turning your back at an early stage.
If this is the case with you, sleep will probably relieve the pain in the opposite direction of the injury. An example of this is that if you experience pain in your back while you are bending forward, your stomach will probably relieve your pain, so you can sleep. This explains the basic management of alleviating symptoms while sleeping.
The following 4 tips and techniques can help you to avoid the pain, or to at least make the pain more bearable:
Tip 1: sleeping on your stomach: do not!
This position can also cause a lot of pressure on your heart and your lungs and will pinch your nerves faster, which will cause tingling when you wake up again. I always recommend to avoid this sleeping position and because I did it myself, I know how difficult it is to learn this yourself!
Tip 2: Sleep on your side to prevent night-time back pain
There are two sleeping positions, which I would like to recommend: sleeping on the side and sleeping on the back. Sleep specialists recommend sleeping on your side to reduce insomnia and to have an undisturbed night's sleep.
The most comfortable way to do this is to keep your knees and your hips slightly bent. I think that placing a pillow between your knees helps to prevent any writhing of the hips and back.
Another trick for those who want to try to sleep on their stomachs is to put a thick pillow in front of and next to your chest. This gives you the support you need and will prevent you from rolling over so that you will lie on your stomach again.
Tip 3: Sleep on your back to prevent night-time back pain
Sleeping on your back is the next best position. If you prefer to sleep on your back, you have to be aware that this can exacerbate certain types of back pain in the lower back. People suffering from low back pain will, therefore, find this position uncomfortable.
I would recommend that if you experience pain to put a soft pillow or rolled up towel under your knees or in the natural curvature of your lower back. This helps you maintain the natural curvature of the spine.
A variation on this position that people with a lot of pain in the back often experience as pleasant, is the 90/90 position. This means that you lie on your back with your knees and your hips at a 90-degree angle as if you were actually sitting on a chair. You can also put your lower legs on a pillow to improve your position.
Tip 4: invest in a good mattress
If you suffer from back pain, you should really invest in a good mattress and good pillows and take a supportive sleeping position to experience a pleasant and painless night's sleep. During sleep, the muscles will relax much better and the pain receptors will be reset so that you wake up painless and fit in the morning.
Exercises to solve back pain at night
This is a difficult area to give specific advice about, but I will share a few exercises with you that can help you if you have a difficult night's sleep because you experience pain in your back. Exercises for your back pain at night may require specific advice, so if they do not help, seek out individual professional help as soon as possible.
First, look for a position in which you lie easily and experience no pain. If you go to bed at night and wake up from the pain try to move back to a comfortable position. When you wake up and can not find an easy posture, get up and walk around slowly in small steps.
Avoid sitting unless you are forced to sit down due to your pain since the sitting position is usually not the best posture for back pain. Move all parts of your body that do not hurt. Apply heat directly to the pain area. If bending forward is painful, bend backward 10-12 times to see if the opposite movement can relieve your pain. If these things do not alleviate your pain, stop immediately and look for advice and help.
If you experience acute pain in the back and cannot lie down as a result of the pain, try to sleep in a semi-recumbent position on the couch or on your bed with three pillows behind you and one pillow under your knees. This is the best position for your lower back. If you are in the stages of acute and chronic back pain, try the pillow methods described above.
Back pain at night is a subject that should not be considered too light, so if you notice signs, do not ignore them. You have to look for lighting and you can need help with this. It is normal to get a little less sleep after an injury - but if it goes beyond this, seek professional help for advice and treatment.
Sleep is needed for healing and if you continue to experience problems when sleeping, do not ignore it and seek help because your problem may require the attention of a physiotherapist.
If you can not find a comfortable position to lie down, this is a sign that you should have your complaints assessed by a doctor. Back pain at night may be a warning signal for backbone health problems and early diagnosis may prevent further pain or serious health problems.
Back Pain At Night: What Can You Do?
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